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Showing posts from May, 2023

2023 IM703Vietnam

I know it’s gonna be a hot, we have done what we can, it will be another test of mentality, only the strong mindset win! #anythingispossible you are better than your thought  #im703vietnam 2023 edition expected to be in 41C! What? Actual or feels like?   Race day morning, the sea looked a lot more calmer than yesterday, but actually not, still a lot of swell moving from south east, meant we will encounter those going out for first 300m, and 600m swimming against swell, alright, dophine dive one two one two, one after another, turning point after turning point, 6x300m, last turn follow the swell, nice swell, adding few more kicks ready for T1, bumper! The last 50m got moved to the rope by the swell and got trapped with few men in the front, a few punches and get myself out of the beach to T1, oh it was getting warm, slow swim…. T1 was smooth, two cream under my balls, helmet on, grab bike and go, mounting like a pro, hearing my G! Yeah starting my 90k ride under 30-34C! Along t...


眼光、角度、高度 I don’t know who wrote and where it came from, but this is kind of great reminder when we get lost. 你的眼光決定了你的價值,這是一句很實在的真理。在通往成功的路上,絕大多數人都喜歡隨波逐流,但真正聰明的人卻能敏銳地捕捉到潛在的機遇,靠的就是眼光。只有眼光超前的人,觀察事物才有遠見卓識,才能在紛繁複雜的環境中最先發現別人難以查覺的商機,提前看到它的趨勢,果斷並迅速地抓住它,最後一展才華,美夢成真。 面對同樣一件事情,有人看到了短時間內的利益得失,也有人看到的是長遠的利益。 我們與其去羨慕其他人有眼力,倒不如想辦法提高自己的識別能力,讓自己也能獨具一雙「慧眼」。想要有一雙「慧眼」,你需要做到以下幾點。 一、豐富的學識,事業才會更開闊 眼光是智慧的產物,但僅僅擁有智慧是不夠的,還需要學習和了解成功的知識和經驗。 工作之餘,不妨多讀書,好好學習書中的那些著名的商人和企業的核心經營戰略,選擇他們在經營中的成功模式,會讓你在通往成功的路上走得更快一點。 二、制定一份長遠的規劃 不管你的起點有多低,都要對未來有宏偉的設想,制定一份長遠的規劃。只要你有了長遠的眼光,即使身邊沒有機遇,也能讓你在困境中創造出成功的遠景。 三、學會從不同的角度看問題 古詩有云:「橫看成嶺側成峰,遠近高低各不同」每一件事從不同的角度看,就會有不一樣的效果。樂觀的思想帶給我們一個積極明朗的效果,悲觀的思想則會帶來消極負面的效果。有時,仿佛成功就在眼前,但我們卻無力跨越那關鍵的一步,此時的你,該怎麼做出選擇?權衡了利弊之後,試着從多個角度去看待問題,知道站在哪個位置哪個角度作出的選擇才是最為明智的。