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Showing posts from March, 2009

Saturday Ride 28/3

A very foggy morning, Shek O Road was fully covered by the fog, the visiablity distance was less than 50m in the worst moment. I was fully motivated and riding with Rockson and George and Teresa, we rode up to the Shek O road slowly as a group for safely then we left Teresa behind on the flat. The plan was 10 x 7k loop however Rockson got the 2nd flat tyre at 35km so we can only call off the training.....unlucky guy! looking forward for the next weekend! I was released from the Physio and but my left leg is still kind of weak, working on it!

Responsiblity is the king!

This is just in March, the 3rd month of 2009 I've been feeling the heavy thing over my shoulder. This is the year is really test my ability to manage my time and make a balance at work, family, life, tri club admin, and my fitness! The working condition is very dynamic these days, rumors flying around and things are changing everyday, recalling the days when AT&T transited to iAsiaWorks, when iAsiaWorks filed chapter 11, when the time one generation calling , I can only hope the thing wouldn't be that bad. Anyway it's like being in the War of the Waterloo, just obviously we're not on the Wellington side. The administrative works for my Triathlon club is huge, it's never ending, feel like in the fully operating customer service machine...well not only that I also need to plan it, admin it and drive it out! It's much more than I expected. Some complaint from my G lately as everybody is busy and losing the sense of the proper time management, nothing right and ...

Post-Operation progress 3 months

Visited Dr. Tong for review on 24/2. He is happy with the progress and confirmed 100% full range of motion resumed. I need not to visit him again so maybe I will see him on the training! Quadriceps is still take time to build up but my own discipline is the driving force. I resume mid-intensity swim training, cycling, and 20mins jogs in maximum. Keeping it up.