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Showing posts from December, 2011

Training Log -

Running a few circle, trying difference things, excel, Polar, Sportstrack, Runkeeper, GarminConnect.... Finally I think I find one comprehensive training log I will really settle down but I have to pay for it. - It's online, cross platform - bundle and in sync with iPhone iPad apps! - vendor neutral compatible with Polar, Garmin and other HRM, power meters device - Route and Map compatible with Google Map for distance and elevation. - connected to Social networking Just I need to pay, USD900 for a year, I don't spend that little on other training stuff , to keep myself motivated, it worths.

Sink-or-Swim drill

A few sessions of elastic band on ankle, love and hate! I fully believe in what my coach asked me to do, just sometime it's too exhausted and trying to understand what's the other coach comment from the other part of the world. Result are all positive and align with the same angle!  Swim band - little something we have forgotten... - Band-only - Swimming with an ankle band is probably not one of the most popular swim drills, but it is one of the most effective. An ankle band can be made of an old bicycle tube tied into a loop, and it will eliminate the kick from your freestyle. Doing so forces a swimmer to find a way to catch more water, otherwise they don't move forward; hence, it is often called a sink-or-swim drill. When first starting out with the ankle band, it can be difficult to maintain a good body position. The legs sink and it takes quite a bit of energy to move up and down the pool. Over time, however, swimmers learn to hold more water with each str...

Wrapping up 2011 for Sonic

Sonic had a great year in 2010, just there is little degraded in momentum in the beginning of the year, we have a few core triathletes relocate to other countries after few years living in HK and training in Sonic, they are all the shining people in Sonic, but it's all the farewell but not goodbye. Some people did lot of help out previously but they turned to creating a lot of gossip this year, anyway they are not fitting into the context, maybe they felt the same so they turned their passion into anger and declared disassociated to the club. Some trying difference place to train, that's fine as long as they still like to race for Sonic and hangout with the gangs. They made new friends, the mentality of training become diverse, they ran into other direction, I cannot comment and I cannot control, and they unintentionally influencing the people in the club, it's not harmful to the club, just difference vision to the sports and training, I learn to be more open-minded, I ...

@nickygumbel, 12/28/11 3:51 PM

Nicky Gumbel ( @nickygumbel ) 12/28/11 3:51 PM "When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it." Henry Ford Cheers, Charles A quick message from my iPhone

Wrapping up 2011

After the rain, the sun will come again. 2011 is full of rain cloud over me. I farewell to a few friends in the beginning of the year, a trip to Cebu for Susanna, it was crazy and great fun with a brunch of Sonic friends with a lot of talking sharing and drinking until my body rejected. I also caught a nasty flu bug for a few times, in and out of the clinic for a few times, slowly recovered around the Chinese new year time, it made my body so weak and started feeling dizziness at the time I left office for lunch or after works, I left it behind for a while but the dizziness still with me when I spent a birthday holiday with G in BKK, even staying at my favorite Metropolitan Bangkok I didn't feel relax and in the mode of holiday. I was quite worry about this feeling as I've never experience it, however it's for G birthday I still made some nice surprise by the help of prior arrangement with the concierge! G with her birthday surprise! I decided to seek doctor adv...

街知巷聞﹕站在柴灣道 細味日常故事

街知巷聞﹕站在柴灣道 細味日常故事-A+A明報 – 2011年12月11日星期日上午5:54寄給朋友列印【明報專訊】明報大廈位於柴灣,我卻極少注意這個地區。上班下班匆匆而過,不是老舊公屋就是工廠大廈。翻開柴灣的歷史,過往數十年來,追趕着柴灣發展的都是居住和就業需求,「里程碑」不外乎幾幾年建了XX邨、幾幾年又拆了XX邨再重建,某年開始引進工業,某年填海某年建成某道路……一切都順着城市整體的步伐來,既不領先亦不對抗。主題除了生存與工作,就是疾病(醫院)與死亡(墳場),最基本不過。然而,柴灣的地理位置其實很美;三面環山的谷地,水源豐富,盛產木材。位於港島東盡頭,從前卻稱為「西灣」。原來在東區聚居的客家人常到此砍柴,客家話中的「柴」字近似粵音「西」字,故被誤讀多年,也曾出現「Sai Wan」的英文舊稱。後來柴灣終於獲正名,但東邊的「小柴灣」卻繼續被叫做「小西灣」,沿用至今。長命斜見證柴灣變遷香港開埠以前,柴灣只有30名客家村民,1891年增加至208人,一直種田打魚為生。殖民政府在港島區的規劃以中環、灣仔為發展中心,電車只鋪到筲箕灣,以鯉魚門為軍事門戶,設置軍營和炮台(成為今日的香港海防博物館);鯉魚門以東的柴灣,無險可守,無車路可達,荒蕪得吸引了香港童軍總會於1925年建立營地,老街坊稱該小山坡為「童軍山」,位置就在今日港鐵站旁的柴灣公園。1950年代以前,柴灣連巴士也不到。對外的唯一路徑,是柏架山與柴灣坳的夾縫間、有長命斜之稱的柴灣道。但當時的柴灣道甚為狹窄,唯一一條來往灣仔的8號巴士線,只能駛至現時東區醫院洗衣房的位置,居民再自行步入柴灣。50年代開始,內地難民大量湧港,市區居住空間不足,部分貧苦家庭選擇落戶於柴灣這邊陲之地。大片木屋、寮屋,由山腰一直伸延至海邊。1968年,柴灣人口增至8萬人。小城小事 一切來得踏實柏架山下的故事,不像對岸的獅子山那樣激動人心。1959年木屋區被清拆改建成27幢徙置大廈,70年代開始徒置區又陸續改建成公共屋邨,同時興建工廠大廈提供就業機會、擴闊道路改善交通,直至80年代地鐵通車、東區走廊啟用,柴灣居民仍是自成一隅地默默生活着,一直沒發生什麼轟烈的大災難或大事件。日常生活裏每遇到柴灣人,聽他們談起「我細個在柴灣大的……」,語氣並不特別自豪,卻總是愉快,底子裏是踏實的、關於家的回憶。a. 羅屋民俗館柴灣早期的木屋平房都已清拆,唯一保留下來...

Laguna Phuket Triathlon 2011

Hello everyone I am getting back to the pace of the city and the party mode and my topless moment are slowly fading away.... Anyway, I need to say it again, this is my 3rd LPT trip and this is the best trip I had with all the like-minded easy going friends!!! All are happy moment without a doubt! And even Susanna is not here and we still always think and talk about her! Timmy nothing stop you! You will be recovered in no time!!! Last, I sincerely thank you to you all who give me a support , encouragement and bless during my early session blues this year, so I can stand up in triathlon extent and enjoy the Tri-life , the sports for my life time. My song of this trip: Right kind of love - Jeremy Jordan :)