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Showing posts from 2012

Recapping 2012

2012, for myself it is quite a achieving year on career, health is alright and stay fit, but my G was having a tough year due to the family issue that chaining to emotional and physical reaction. So we are more looking forward to 2013, for a better, healthier, happier and fitter year. As my brother is planning a wedding in late 2013 or early 2014, I will do my best to help him! I still being thankful to have a healthy family who allow me to focus on doing that I want to do. Happy new year!

New Year Eve dessert to welcome 2013!

Wonderful baked apple with vanilla ice cream on side, served with Rose wine, secret is on little brown sugar with peanut melting within the apple!!!! happy 2013!! Baked Apples Posted by Elise on October 9, 2006 Filed under Comfort Food , Dessert , Gluten-Free , Seasonal Favorites: Fall It’s apple season here in New England, where I am visiting my goddaughter and her family. We went apple picking a few days ago and came home with so many apples, we’ll be cooking with them all week. Today the girls helped me make baked apples, a childhood favorite, with some lovely Rome Beauties we picked. The following recipe is based on an old recipe from the Joy of Cooking, with the addition of pecans and chopped raisins. Growing up we always had baked apples served with a generous portion of vanilla icecream, a combination I highly recommend. Baked Apples Recipe Add to shoppi...

Boxing Day receipt - Minestrone Soup Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution | MINESTRONE SOUP | Jamie Oliver (US) This is a basic but lovely vegetable soup – it’s jam-packed fully of goodness and will do anyone who eats it the world of good! You can either keep it hearty and chunky or you can cook the soup without the pasta in it, whiz it up in a blender, pour it back in the saucepan with some pasta and cook until the pasta is soft. Delicious! JAMIE'S TOP TIP Soup is a great way to make the most of seasonal produce – vary your choices throughout the year and stock up on what’s in season. Make up a big batch of soup, even if you’re only cooking for yourself – you can keep the rest in the fridge for light suppers, packed lunches, and even freeze portions in sandwich bags to eat another day. Save the rinds from your Parmesan cheese and pop into your soup for some extra flavor, just remember to remove before serving – those lit...

Patagonia Nature Run

14k trail in Yuen Long Tai Tong Shan kick off the off season trail running plan! November normally is the best month in Hong Kong for outdoor however it was a rainy, wet and slippery morning I spent 2 hours in the mountain with G, Lyn and Evan! Great race, I took 2:12hrs for this 14.5k race, lot of up and down and steps...

Happy Birthday Charles you're 35!

Love all your messages!! Heaps of thanks heaps of Likes!! Looking back the past few years I haven't been made myself a complete day off for my birthday and this is the one!! Really relax to do what I want to do and be want I wanna be, at 35 I am looking at the sea to recall what I've achieved since big 30 and what I gonna do before big 40!! Live life without regret, may all of us having good health, less complaint and more peace!

One month of Sydneysider 2012

12 Aug - 9th Sept 2012 I didn't realized I still put this post in the draft...what a career highlight that should be recorded!! It was sudden. 4 weeks of business trip to Sydney for coverage and staff training! What more should I ask for! Sydney air is fresh, sky is blue, weather is cold and sometime windy in August. Fraser Suites is great and spacious! It was the great explosure from career and also from the sports I like. My first time to work oversea, knowing how the sports in everyone bloodstream, they cycle to work, go running or gym during lunch, run or cycle back home, swim training is like their daily meal, Thursday shopping day, Friday afternoon start drinking, weekend morning training follow by brunch and cup of coffee, Sydney coffee is surprisingly great with strong Italian influrences no wonder Starbucks failed. Joining vladswim every Tue, Thur,  5pm off from work, 6pm already in the water, feeling was surreal! Mon, Wed I'd go running at Botanic Garden and the Domai...

Mental Toughness

Mental Toughness Mental Toughness I was recently asked how it is that athletes can drag themselves through unrelenting physical and mental suffering in events such as the mountain stages in the Tour de France. This topic came up when French rider Thomas Voeckler was trying to get the polka dot jersey and then retain it on two back-to-back stages with several challenging climbs during long rides in the Pyrenees. This reminded me of a paper published in the Harvard Business Review a few years ago (Jones, 2008). In it the author reported on studies of Olympic medalists and successful business people which revealed the following characteristics which may be defined as subsets of mental toughness. He wrote that the interviewees were found to: have the ability to psychologically manage pressure pay meticulous attention to goals have a strong inner drive to stay ahead of the competition be internally rather than externally focused be self-directed concentrate...

Handsome boy modeling school

The Lapel Buttonhole Posted on March 29, 2012 4 If your dinner jacket was constructed without a lapel buttonhole and you wish your tailor to add one so that you may sport a boutonniere (which the British confusingly also call a “buttonhole”), you have a couple of options. You can get a keyhole shaped opening like the ones used for the jacket’s waist and sleeve buttons or you can get a straight hole like the one shown here. Some will argue that the latter is a mark of a better suit but the fact is that both styles are used by quality suitmakers. Therefore it’s a matter of personal preference. I’m partial to the inconspicuousness of the straight option given the very visible placement of the hole high up on the chest and (usually) surrounded by satin. Also, whether your buttonhole is original or “after market” (as automotive enthusiasts would say), consider having a thread added behind the lapel to hold the flower in place. A more fussy alternative is a minature boutonniere hol...

Bone marrow donation campaign for Yvan

It has been a very tough few months for Yvan and his family, massive campaign are in place for the search of compatible bone marrow, 1/5000 chance for Casuisian and 1/50000 chance for non-Casuisian. I hope you can find the right one, and fight over it! I have no religious belief but this word come to my mind 'You do the best, god do the rest.' Good luck my friend!

Bangkok Triathlon 2012

What is the motivation to do Bangkok Triathlon? Swimming in the Chao Phraya River? Bangkok is our backyard, if you think of the scene that only one hard morning and then all you can do is spending a few days and staying at the luxury hotel, enjoying great services, dining out at the nice restaurant at the reasonable prices, go shopping and party! Why not?! Especially that Bangkok Triathlon had been successfully organized for a few years since 2009 when Chrissie Wellington was still in TeamBB and won the race! The race had also been constantly attracting few hundred local and expat, the distance had also been extended from standard OD to 1.8k swim/55k bike/10k similar to LPT. Our friend Michal Bueck won overall champion last year and highly recommend this race! “The water in the river is a lot better than Science Park and Plover Cove in HK!”. So I decided to do it this year! Enrollment fee and travelling costs is reasonable! Only THB2500 for early bird entry, HK$8500 for 5D4N...

Bangkok Break

I simply like this kind of break, staying in the Metropolitian Bangkok pool, unwind.

Sad news for swimming...

World champion swimmer dies at 26 after having massive heart attack as he showered at training camp Swimmers found him dead when he didn't come out of shower after training in Flagstaff, Arizona In his final tweet, he wrote of looking forward to returning to 'the most beautiful city in Norway, Bergen' He was world 100m breaststroke champion and silver medalist at Beijing Olympics Norwegian Alexander Dale Oen dedicated World Championship Gold to the 77 victims of mass murderer Anders Breivik Read more:

First Ride on my Cervelo S5

First ride on my Cervelo S5 with the sunset in Shek O, 40mins, I was little worry on the seat post height, it turns out to be very comfortable and very response after some adjustment.  I tested two position, more forward sitting for Time Trial and normal Road bike setting. it's very smooth on the climb and also on the head wind, will add some mileage next week before giving more conclusive rating!

My 3rd Bike - Cervelo S5

Finally, I am back to the big brand!  Cervelo S5, 2012 model, 51cm, Gonna do something good on it! Aero-dynamic, comparable with a proper Time Trial bike, while you could also ride comfortable as a road bike, Dual setting, that's why attracting me.

New bike technology, aero road bike

Cervelo S5 - Aero Road Bike, Dual setting, Road vs TT Very comprehensive review from Tri-Sports University on Cervelo S5, from Aero-Road bike to its geometry features! Take it home!


香港知名DJ梁繼璋給兒子的信 我兒:寫這備忘錄給你,基於三個原則: ● 人生福禍無常,誰也不知可以活多久,有些事情還是早一點說好。 ● 我是你的父親,我不跟你說,沒有人會跟你說這些事? ● 這備忘錄記載的,都是我經過慘痛失敗得來的體驗,可以為你的成長 省不少冤枉路。 以下,便是你在人生中要好好記住的事: (一)對你不好的人,你不要太介意,在你一生中,沒有人有義務要 對你好,除了我和你媽媽。至於那些對你好的人,你除了要珍惜、感 恩外,也請多防備一點,因為,每個人做每件事,總有一個原因,他 對你好,未必真的是因為喜歡你,請你務必搞清楚,而不必太快將對 方看作真朋友。 (二)沒有人是不可代替,沒有東西是必須擁有。看透了這一點,將 來你身邊的人不再要你,或許失去了世間上最愛的一切時,也應該明 白,這並不是什麼大不了的事。 (三)生命是短暫的,今日你還在浪費著生命,明日會發覺生命已遠 離你了。因此,愈早珍惜生命,你享受生命的日子也愈多,與其盼望 長壽,倒不如早點享受。 (四)世界上並沒有最愛這回事,愛情只是一種霎時的感覺,而這感 覺絕對會隨時日、心境而改變。如果你所謂的最愛離開你,請耐心地 等候一下,讓時日慢慢沖洗,讓心靈慢慢沉澱,你的苦就會慢慢淡化 。不要過分憧憬愛情的美,不要過分誇大失戀的悲。 (五)雖然很多有成就的人士都沒有受過很多教育,但並不等於不用 功讀書,就一定可以成功。你學到的知識,就是你擁有的武器,可以 白手興家,但不可手無寸鐵,謹記! (六)我不會要求你供養我下半輩子,同樣地,我也不會供養你的下 半輩子,當你長大可以獨立時,我的責任已經完結。以後,你要坐巴 士還是賓士,吃魚翅還是粉絲,都要自己負責。 (七)你可以要求自己守信,但不能要求別人守信,你可以要求自己 對人好,但不能期待人家對你好。你怎樣對人,並不代表人家就會怎 樣對你,如果看不透這一點,你只會徒增不必要的煩惱。 (八)我買了十多二十年的六合彩,還是一窮二白,連三獎也沒有中 ,這證明人要發達,還是要努力工作才可以,世界上沒有免費午餐。 (九)親人只有一次的緣分,無論這輩子我和你會相處多久,都請好 好珍惜共聚的時光,下輩子,無論愛與不愛,都不會再見。


Sometime the NOW Movie channel do show some great movie especially those non-mainstream.  This reminds us to treasure every moment, life is not about short or long, just live the full of our life, and and make it meaningful, we are just so lucky.   改編自真人真事同名著作,香港青年作家子鶩身患先天性血友病,後因輸入受污染的血製品,成為無辜的愛滋患者,在母親不離不棄的支持下,他前半生為生存而 戰,永不言敗; 子鶩的母親李慧珍女士,看著兒子遭受不治之症的折磨,唯一可做的是用愛心來改變兒子的人生觀。最令慧珍感動的,是子鶩對人生的領悟,比很多成年人都要強。 愛滋病令慧珍與子鶩共同成長起來,明白到與其自怨自艾的等待死神來臨,倒不如在僅餘的時日,令生命變得更精彩,子鶩在死前完成了令人感動的作品「海闊天 空」。子鶩的死並不是終結,慧珍決定把對兒子的愛推已及人,讓世人能放棄歧見,給愛滋病人在僅存日子內,有尊嚴有義意的生存下去,寫出了《地久天長》令人 欣喜動容的作品。《地久天長》是著名金像獎編劇家杜國威首部執導作品,他曾編寫《我和春天有個約會》、《虎度門》、《南海十三郎》等感人作 品,累積十年功力,終於成就了今日的感動。女主角張艾嘉歷年來在台灣給予愛滋病患及家屬極大的心靈慰藉,儘管在她拍攝本片期間,甫生愛子遭綁架事件不久, 但她依然一本堅持不問代價,信守承諾演出本片,戲裡戲外,我們都看到最勇敢的母親—張艾嘉,堅苦卓絕剛毅不凡的一面。 導演: 杜國威 主演: 張艾嘉 , 焦媛 , 何超儀 , 杜文澤 級別: 待定 上映: 2001年5月12日,星期6 (11年前) 片長: 待定