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2017 PuYuMa 113 Triathlon

Road to Puyuma113 Triathlon

After the year of sabbatical of triathlon in 2016, I picked up the training again last December to condition my body prior the training program from Jan to Mar. It was a repeat of 2014. Just I ran slower pace during the training. Still, I made used of the winter season in Hong Kong to gain back my fitness, I took the half marathon at China Coast and HK Marathon as my training run even my run time was quite disappointing. I more or less take the same training schedule as in 2014 and 2015.

Monday: Sonic interval/tempo run 1.5 hours
Tuesday: My own bike turbo 1 - 1.5 hours with little conditioning
Wednesday: Sonic swim 1.5 - 2 hours
Thursday: Office2Home run 1.5 hours
Friday off
Saturday: Long bike
Sunday: Sonic Brick session

I did little tricks on the schedule, gear and nutrition plan this time.
On schedule and training plan, I add core and lower legs conditioning on Tuesday since I realised the lower part of the body is still the key to strengthen for triathlon. I also did 15 - 30mins run off bike 4 weeks prior the race. I added the 70.3 metric in my peak week means, 3hrs plus cycling and 10k run to bank in the endurance.
I know running is still my weakest, I ran half marathon in Jan, Feb, and add the 20k run in March during my peak week. (surely I have my usual 1.5hrs weekly run to lead up)

10hrs triathlete (or less)
40% run
38% bike
17% swim
On gear, my Fenix3 HR is just a hardware refresh since the 910XT end of life in 2016. But most important was the HokaOneOne Clayton which sold out in HK and got it order from eBay 4 weeks prior the race. It is really responsive and good cushioning, I have no injury with it and really happy for that.

Hoka Clayton
On nutrition, I've done a bit of research and realized exactly how much carbohydrate I need per my body weight, I was relied on powergel in the past but basically I'd need 1 gel per 30 - 45mins, that'd be too much and I need something else. 
G recommended hammer carb power since contains higher % of carbs and soy wheat, that most people doing mountain marathon take it as a meal! Good stuff!
I also took concentrated beet-root juice during my peak week and prior the race week, put it altogether with my training load I felt really great with it!

Most importantly I did the metric rehearsal in my peak week, with all the gear and nutrition plan put it together, I did my 3hours plus ride up and down Shek O BWB road for 4 times with 3 gels and hammer carb drink, then have my G setup the aid station with water, carb drink, gels and banana, I did the run off bike for 10km, every 4k I past the aid station and refuel myself for another round. It worked perfectly well and I feel not tiring. 

The only thing worrying me is the weather, it was way too chilly and comfortable in March in HK, I wouldn't simulate the sweat and heat condition that would happen in Taitung. Also, the peer support was very little this time, most of my ride was quite alone and boring.  
Johnson is my wind man this time
Expecting a hot day

Race Day
I had a relatively good sleep, only wake at 3:30am and then sleep till 5am alarm. Up and start my pre-race music Great DJ by Ting Ting! Get myself ready and wash down a big slice of bread and rode to the race venue by 6:30am. After setting up the T1 I still have an hour to wait. And the Sun start shining.

The Swim
It was a mass start with around 200 people so I did the sprint start for first 100m to leave the main pack, able to keep up some good feet for a while, most of the time I think my stroke was too slow I feel I swim like shit but got a best swim split when I exit the water at 36mins!
T1 was quick and ok, took 6mins mainly spent on putting up chamois cream and gloves.
Exiting water at 36mins for 1.9k, feeling great
The Bike
Great DJ singing in my mind, the sun coming out, I expected a hot day, the first 45km was going out Taitung, fast and bit of tailwind however it still took me 1hr 25mins, slower than I expected, I adjusted and aimed at 3hrs riding, after 50k my lower back start feeling tight then I know the training load and stretching wasn't enough, there was a lot of gentle up and down climbing with a bit of headwind, my last 10km was a complete suffering of the heat and lower back pain, just take time to wash down the probar applepie bar to fuel up before the run. Nutrition plan went ok in general.
First half was fast and furious

Catch up the support crew and still smiling

Last km back to T2 was pure suffering

it just hot!
T2 dismounting the bike and barefoot running with the bike oh shit it was the midday and the sun was strong, the ground was very hot and burning my feet, I ran pass the tent and need to stop and put back the bike shoes, never had this condition before, the Garmin record saying it was 33C....I might expected lot of waking will happen?
T2 not fast, took 6mins on putting up socks.

The Run
Strangely, I felt quite fresh that I never had that feeling before, start executing my run plan, keep slowly jogging for first 3-4km, pour water, fuel up water, salt tablet or plum slice and banana at each 4km aid station, hammer drink at each km, it was no wind, hot and humid for the first 30mins! Then the cloud moved in, the run became much less suffering! I keep executing my race plan, keep running at 6-6:30pace all the way, only stop at aid station to ensure I had fuel up for the next run segment, it was a real test after 18km, turning up to the flyover and the last turning point was an endless 1.5km, just keep digging in and took the only one powergel , after turning point I felt fresh again and pick up the pace to run at 5:50 all the way back to finish line at 6:15hrs. 
digging deep
passing aidstation

Last km pushing back to finish line
Best swim and run split, but got offset by the slower bike spilt, that's life!

After reviewing the Garmin data, it recorded 35C in the beginning of the run and stay around 30-31C, I think my heat tolerance was improved, however it would be another story if the sun was shining strongly.

I was happy with my nutrition plan, need to improve the stroke rate and lower back strengthening for cycling.

"#toughdayintheoffice #puyuma113 had the best swim split but very hot on the 2nd half of bike segment lost 15mins of my target time, I have a good execution of my nutrition plan during the run, thanks weather god for the cloudy afternoon, thanks my super @gigiwon for all the support and recommending #hammerperpetuem thanks #NutritionAsia for the beet-it juice, thanks coach Kenneth for the continues coaching, thanks #newsportsassociation for the new aspect of pre-race diet aka hotpot, triathlon is a life style, race is a journey, I find a #betterme , it keeps my life balance and discipline, it reminds me hardwork always payoff #whywetri #teamsonictriathlete"

"I tri because I constantly feel challenged, mentally and physically. It helps me strengthen two important muscles: discipline and willpower. And those muscles improve the quality of my life." #WhyWeTri

Song of the trip: Ain't that bitch by Aerosmith


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