cleaning up the house, by chance get back these old magazine cutting, all are very interesting writing worth to save, it should be published in City Magazine during year 2001, I was 24, wanted to be a man but still was a stupid boy, was digging my head into music, clubbing, exploring different things of living, lost in career.

I was quite into different kind of magazines during my early 20s, i appreciate all those writers, photographers, stylists for their intelligence articles and stylish photos! These are kind of men thing!! INSPIRED!!
伍小姐, from the view of her husband.
I wish I could also write something for her, she's also a Pisces.

I was quite into different kind of magazines during my early 20s, i appreciate all those writers, photographers, stylists for their intelligence articles and stylish photos! These are kind of men thing!! INSPIRED!!

I wish I could also write something for her, she's also a Pisces.