Day 10, 10 Dec
First time visiting Dr. Tong after surgery, checking the wound, looking good.
Range of motion 100 degree, but all the ankle was quite swell and very dark....
Next day to start Physiotherapy.
Day 11, 11 Dec
First time to visit Physiotherapist, she found that my compression dressing was incorrectly flip-over on the ankle area that's why my ankle swell up and turn dark due to the blood circulation was affected!! She did 15mins massages on my ankle for better blood circulation but I was pain like hell!!!!! And then she introduces some exercises that could improve the range of motion and the strength of quadriceps.
Day 13, 13 Dec
Second time for Physio, same, 15mins massages...HELP.....
Day 18, 18 Dec
Third time for Physio, a lot better on my ankle as I spent some effort to massage it at home, range of motion slightly improved, the swell around the knee also reducing.
Day 20, 20 Dec
Physio started to introduce another exercises for further strengthen the quadriceps, all the swell around the ankle gone, the swell outside of the knee also gone, but the inner swell still takes a few months to heal, I also removed the wound bracket, looks really fine! But I still not suggest to go swimming as she afraid of the slippy floor could cause new injury.
Day 22, 22 Dec
Today is the first day to walk outside without crutch, manageable on flat, up-step but stepping down need to be cautioned, one step only. Frankly I had been walking without crutch for 1 week but indoor only.
Day 23, 23 Dec
Third time to visit Dr. Tong, the progress is very well he said, the range of motion is about 110 degree, he suggests to start stationary cycling with super light gear. I will see him after another 3 weeks for progress review.
First time visiting Dr. Tong after surgery, checking the wound, looking good.
Range of motion 100 degree, but all the ankle was quite swell and very dark....
Next day to start Physiotherapy.
Day 11, 11 Dec
First time to visit Physiotherapist, she found that my compression dressing was incorrectly flip-over on the ankle area that's why my ankle swell up and turn dark due to the blood circulation was affected!! She did 15mins massages on my ankle for better blood circulation but I was pain like hell!!!!! And then she introduces some exercises that could improve the range of motion and the strength of quadriceps.
Day 13, 13 Dec
Second time for Physio, same, 15mins massages...HELP.....
Day 18, 18 Dec
Third time for Physio, a lot better on my ankle as I spent some effort to massage it at home, range of motion slightly improved, the swell around the knee also reducing.
Day 20, 20 Dec
Physio started to introduce another exercises for further strengthen the quadriceps, all the swell around the ankle gone, the swell outside of the knee also gone, but the inner swell still takes a few months to heal, I also removed the wound bracket, looks really fine! But I still not suggest to go swimming as she afraid of the slippy floor could cause new injury.
Day 22, 22 Dec
Today is the first day to walk outside without crutch, manageable on flat, up-step but stepping down need to be cautioned, one step only. Frankly I had been walking without crutch for 1 week but indoor only.
Day 23, 23 Dec
Third time to visit Dr. Tong, the progress is very well he said, the range of motion is about 110 degree, he suggests to start stationary cycling with super light gear. I will see him after another 3 weeks for progress review.