8:00am Morning workout: swimming
9:00am Breakfast with Groomsmen
10:30am Getting Together!
11:00am Get the Bride!
12:30pm Lunch at Westin with everyone
01:30pm Group transport to Ritz Carlton
02:30pm Check-in Ritz Carlton, venue preparation
05:00pm Wedding Ceremony
05:30pm Wedding Cocktail
07:00pm Wedding Dinner and Party
Morning workout: swimming
It supposed to be morning run but my medial meniscus in my knee hurted recently so changed to morning swim, George was good enourge to really show up in the pool at 8am! John also came to the pool and joint the swim! Chiam said the gym looks nice so he went for a run, my brother and Sing was still sleeping....As Ki wanted to take a few more *bed time* shot with me and G in the morning so I just swam for 30mins to wake myself up!
Breakfast with Groomsmen
I re-joint Chiam, John and George for the breakfast after taking few shot on the bed!
It was a bit rush for me but very nice to sit down with some of my groomsmen for breakfast after some light exercise!
Getting Together!
After the breakfast I transferred my wedding dress to Sing's room, I saw Sing and my brother already dressed up, Chi already arrived and lying on the sofa, but I was still wearing a boardshort! No rush, I still have time to go for a natural break, shower and some grooming!
Sing, brother Eric, Chi, John, George, Raymond already arrived and ready, bouquet from Ritz Carlton arrived, I got dress up and ready, Ki also came in the room and took some shots for the men! Hey it's time but where is Chiam? Called but not in room, some of us grabbed him in the corridor while he was locating our room! Funny thought!!

Get the Bride!
Let's move! Room 4409! I saw Sheran and the whole group of Bridesmaid when the door opened! Lai-See?! Of course! A well prepared! And they well received without any negotiation?!?! We could move one step forward for another 'challenge'!
WHAT?? To get nine different signatures and blessing by five different guest from different countries in the lobby AND I need to be transported by two groomsmen?!
That was not difficult...we quickly enough get it from Indo, China, Russian, Finland and Japan! What's Next!!??
WHAT?? Irene said I need to gone thought all the tastes of sweet, sour, bitter and teaspoon of sugar for everyone, one lime for everyone, extra dark trible shot espesso for myself.....and spicy sandwiches for everyone......What's Next!?!?
WHAT?? Yan said I need to sing and dance?!? Oh no....but under expectation, let's wear something Aloha and dance a little bit! What's Next?!?!
WHAT?? Yan said I need to draw a picture for my G.....Oh no...but not so challenging! What's Next?!?!
WHAT?? Who prepared that 10 rules to serve my G??? And speak it loud!! Oh no..but another fun though!
What Next?!?! Finally Yan said I need to repeat or even enchance the moment of my proposal to G so she would be feeling touch enough and see me!
Okay, that's how my G open the door!
Yeah! That was how I completed all the challenges and it was the time for the group pictures with family and friends! I think it was also the time for all the boys and girls to chi-chat for a while for moving to lunch.
Lunch at Westin with everyone
Especially thanks John for this part, he was reserving three big tables for everyone and making the best budget for the ordering and he didn't know the hotel would waive our lunch expenses.
By the time G and I were dressing down, they had already having the very good meal in the hotel restaurant by the pool. Both of us were very happy about that and I keep holding a slice of pizza and soicalizing with everyone.
The staff from the restaurant were so seriously welcoming our group, the F&B manager standby and even came to greet with me! I felt a bit surprised by that!
Group transport to Ritz Carlton
Thanks Sing for this part, he helped to ensure the group transportation in place and on time so everyone move on to the bus at ease! Everybody were happy and relax on this 35mins of travel.
Check-in Ritz Carlton, venue preparation
We arrived at Ritz-Carlton lobby at about 2pm, I think we've arrived a bit earlier than expected so we waited for a while. Ki was very keen to seize this time for a few shots!
We finally got transferred by the buggy to the Bridal Villa (preparation room), Elaine, Winnie, Fok sir, Lewis and Eva were working hard for the venue decoration top-up under the sunshine! They are amazing! Stephanie was very nervous of her volin, keep asking "Where is my volin? Where is my volin?" Since they moved us to the villa, luggage after. And she put her volin on the cart! But no worry, the volin soon arrived and already heard the song she played for a rehearal coming from somewhere unseen.
Everyone settled down, Cha Ling retouched the make-up for G, most of us were very impressed by the venue and its decoration, photo taking everywhere, Ki also busy taking pictures for group of Bridesmaid with difference styling! George and Chiam helped to test the iPod with the soundsystem, Mada Astika from Ritz-Carlton was busy running around for us, on the contrary I was a bit chilled and just walking around, making sure everyone has their parts, just waiting for the time of the ceremony....frankly I used to work for everybody and this is the first everybody worked for me.
Wedding Ceremony
Made said, it's time, and ask Sing and I standby at the room, let all the guest sit down first. Ha! But Chi came to me that everyone was still taking picture and walking around. Chi helped to ask everybody have a sit first.
All of a sudden I felt claim and peaceful when I walked out of the room with Sing, on the path to the Asmara Gazebo.
Right after Made confirmed everything ready, the ceremony began.
The big wooden door opened and the Balinese Bamboo “Rindik” played, Sing walked into the flower cascade, I was behind, both of us standing on the front of the Gazebo, door closed.
Another Balinese Bamboo “Rindik” played, the door opened, Alanie walked into the flower cascade first, G and her parent was follow and bring G into my hands.
Both of us walked up and following the speech guided by the celebrant, we spoke our vow, exchange the rings, and signed the certificate, the entire process was very smooth, the atmosphere was very nice, very touching and very relax!
After the ceremony we had floral shower by all friends and we were all very happy for this!!
Wedding Cocktail
The cocktail music was on after the picture with everyone! And everybody moved to the C-Bar for a drink and a chat! G did some little touches to put some cookies and chocolate on the table, hope you guys like it.
This was a very nice chance as we could really talking and picturing with every single friend during sunset! Both of us felt very happy and glad that everybody including our family were having good time and have someone to talk to each others, nobody was left behind so as to make the atomsphere chillout and friendly!! The Japanese couple we met last night in Jimbarran Bay also came to give us a bless! Ki was working hard to capture every single moment of us and our friends, especially the pops by G's paracels with girls and Groomsmen!
We also shared our wedding cake with all guests but both of us just had a little taste of it. They said this is the best wedding cake they've ever eaten! Really? This is by Ritz Carlton and hope everyone like it, or maybe you guys are all happy with it??
Wedding Dinner and Party
Four tables were setup on the garden names as 1.5k, 40k, 10k and Finish that idea from the distance in Triathlon! People was moved to the seat by the help of Sing, while Stephanie started playing the volin, people still keep taking pictures of her! All people finally sit down based on their table and name plate. Another surprise by Stephanie is, she said welcoming a new couple Gigi and Charles in cantonese!!! Then everybody lighted up their firework, while we walked into the tables with the 2nd song played by Stephanie!! Feel like in the magical movement, very surreal!
The Speech
We did have something to speak as our speech, I'm not sure about G, seems she has something to speak but never seen her written it down or practicing, maybe no time; I myself also keep organizing few pieces of words in my mind and I never practise and even written down the key words, it just seemed very unprepared. Eventually, we hold the mic, the time has come, we spoke our speech naturally, I recalled a chat with Chi few days ago, mentioning that it is very easy to go movie, shopping, eating and dating, but marriage is not, when everthing does to marriage, it would be that easy, I also recalled the word in my mind "See Challenge as Opportunties", it could be an opportunties to learn to live the life with each other. G has tears in her eyes during her speech, mentioning the courage to bear the responsiblity of marriage and the tolerance of her closed friends and relatives for her temper during the wedding preparation.
Friends of us told us after that, said this is the best part of our wedding and said both of us are very truth and very natural...well...this is what we are and what we want to say, the speech also went very smooth over our expectation!
we both toast to everyone before the pleasure dinner began, we had a lot of toasting, cheers, drinking, eating and dancing!!
Dancing was the part not origially in our plan!! It was initialized by Alanie, Joy, John, Teresa and George, they kept on invite us to do the first dance!! We were a bit nervous as we never formally dance in the public! We don't have any dance training as well!! I believe that there was a force driving by the energy of the Sonic! Tersesa and George, John and Stephanie, Elsie and Raymond, Lyn and Chiam already came out and dance together!! Some quietier friends even came out and played with us! I believe there were a lot of push by the amazing job Alanie worked behind!! Eventually everybody came together and dance like crazy even my mum and dad!!!!! We all gone crazy and a lot of sweat but nobody care! They were all captured by Ki!
I can't remember when was our dance until. I then moved on the C-bar to chillout with Sa and Chiam, and we started smoking Cegar! I also invited Chi and Sing to share this moment as we were smoking Cegar a lot but in long long time ago!! We sat down, chilling out, sharing the recent happening of life, talking about the preparing of this wedding....I think G was happily talking with different girls....
Bouquet Toss
Made reminded me for the time of Bouquet Toss at the time George send me a big big coconut he found!! ahah!!! I told G and Alanie so they prepared and Ki standby, G hold the Bouquet and I hold the big big coconut, inviting all girls to came up! Evetually??? GOOD LUCK TO SHERAN!!!!
I can't remember how did the party end, just both of our parent was tired and just sitting down, and many friends were lying down and keep drinking on the lounging tent, just remember Cha Ling's husband and friends came to our wedding at the end of the party, Ki was sitting down on the tent and felt very tired already....she had been working really hard for the day!
We cleaned up everything from the Bridal Villa and back to Westin by the group transport, we were all very tired and most of us take a nap on the bus!
After hours...
Chiam, Raymond, John, Stephanie, Lyn and Elsie came to our room for a drink and snacks, thanks Chiam for the martini! We exchanged the view of our wedding in different angles and having a lot of good coversation til late!
In Summary
People always say the Groom and the Bride usually very tired after the wedding, but we were not! Both of us felt so happy and still full of energy to drink and talk until late, my contact lens remained very hydrated in my eyes, we were so excited and happy to see all friends and family enjoy and take part in our party! If looking back, all the worry from us removed, all the effort from my G paid off, all the unhappiness forgot, no regert since the day we picked the date and the location! In return, we felt really glad to have so many good friends that willing to spend their time and money just to come over for our wedding! We both treasure this friendship!! Of course, we will remember we still have so many good friends and family members that couldn't come to our wedding because of other commitments, we really felt glad of having it all!