A big milestone in my swimming! 2.2k truely open water swim from Big Wave Bay to Shek O for 38-39mins!
5th of July was a beautiful day, blue sky, sunshine, south wind, perfect for the swim in this route! The ocean looked pretty and pretty calm and flat in the far view.
But the fact is, swimming out of Big Wave Bay is actually quite choppy and quite a wave! You need to have the gust and the skill to master the environment, I swam all the way with confident and effort without single moment of feeling panic! I grow up and becoming more mature in the swim, if I did it in two years ago, I thought I'd throw my towel and get on the boat.
I am happy about my swim over this 2.2k, I am happy with all my training paid off, and I am also happy to realize the benefit to the strong core that could really help in riding the wave and help to catch another group of swimmers that was ahead of you!
The Shek O Open Water Challenge is the swim for the people really like swimming and adventure, it's the real open water swim for real swimmer. It's very different from the triathlon swim that normally held in the bay, or calm water.
I will NOT recommend this to beginner but for experience swimmers who really like swimming and adventure.
The Sheko Open Water Challenge
it was good to see all Sonic guys finished the race, we have Jacky, Rockson, Edwin C, Alan C, Madoka, Philip P, Sume, Paul L, Li-Hao, Julian, Brian G, Raymond P!